
Your Cybersecurity Strategy Must Change – June 2022 Update


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In the case of micro-decisions/services, Cybersecurity becomes a significant challenge.

In the past, in an on-premises environment, a company could quickly isolate itself from the internet and prevent cyber-attacks or significantly reduce its exposure while addressing any present infiltration. As companies gradually move essential systems to the cloud, their capacity to isolate themselves from the Internet is reduced, and likewise, their ability to prevent cyber-incidents.

For example, suppose an employee’s corporate credentials are compromised. In that case, several cloud services could be jeopardized, and the infiltration could rapidly spread given the limited opportunity to isolate the systems from the internet. Given that several urgent actions are triggered to reduce the breach’s impact, time and control become critical.

The problem resides in that most of the time and control often depends on third parties (ex.: cloud providers or resellers). Under the initial on-premise scenario, an IT professional would sever the Internet and run actions internally until the problem is resolved.

Here is where micro-decisions that are disarticulated or disconnected from a longer-term plan affect the fundamentals of IT security in a company. In addition, micro-services increase the complexity of the reaction plan in the event of a problem.

June 2022 Update

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