We offer an end-to-end solution for marketing and sales processes

Unique automated SaaS form for marketing and sales.


All-in-one SaaS platform for orchestration, automation, and synchronization of B2B marketing and sales campaigns, making the commercial cycle efficient and profitable, improving process management between areas

Value Promise

xales improves sales and marketing process management with automation and artificial intelligence: from identifying the potential market, segmenting the buyer profile and qualifying prospects, generating business opportunities, supporting conversion to effective sales, allocating opportunities to the commercial ecosystem efficiently, and ending with revenue recognition to vendors and the distribution chain.

xales provides fast and easy execution, reducing costs and time and increasing efficiency. In addition, the SaaS solution is scalable and can be adapted to the needs of the business as it grows.

It offers a variety of tools and functions that help companies optimize their marketing and sales campaigns, providing task automation, customer segmentation, and data analysis, among others.

xales helps companies improve efficiency, saving precious time and resources, improving overall efficiency, and enabling more informed decisions.

Our end-to-end solution helps in all marketing and sales processes, including identifying leads, establishing relationships with them, and delivering relevant content – by generating campaigns and leads, converting and assigning them to the commercial ecosystem, and building customer loyalty.

It has an SW platform in the cloud, making the sales cycle faster and more profitable through automation and artificial intelligence.

This platform allows managing several campaigns in parallel, reducing time and costs and increasing marketing and sales productivity.



Increases control, transparency, efficiency, and time of the commercial process, optimizing it with automation.


 Improves customer loyalty and repurchase.

Analytical process

Develops a more efficient analytical process and enriches databases with analytical information to strengthen demand generation.


Enhances all CRM capabilities by increasing customer management competencies.

Positively impacts

Positively impacts a company's purchasing, marketing, and sales areas through technology.

Fast sales cycles

Generates fast sales cycles through automated opportunity allocation.

With xales we make the sales cycle faster and more profitable through automation.

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