
Maximizing investment and minimizing costs: The critical role of optimizing software usage.


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Proper software management can significantly impact a company’s success, especially when maximizing investment and minimizing costs. However, organizations need help managing the complexity of the available licensing models and software usage rights.

Many companies seek the help of specialized consulting service providers to ensure that they use the software effectively and in compliance with their licenses.

Large companies generally acquire licenses under volume purchase agreements, which provide differential product usage rights, such as including upgrades to the latest version at no additional cost, consuming only one request but installing it on multiple devices, or using a previous edition of the software, if necessary.

However, to take advantage of these rights, companies need to monitor software usage to ensure that it is being done effectively. They should verify if they can install an older version of the software, ensure that it is only being installed on devices that meet the criteria for this use, or if additional unnecessary licenses are being used, thus increasing costs.

This involves analyzing the actual use of the software through different tools that determine the optimization actions. The consultancy may indicate it is necessary to reduce the number of licenses and still meet their productivity needs.

Some tips and strategies for reducing licensing costs or maximizing the efficiency of existing licenses:

  1. Analyze current licensing costs: It is crucial to thoroughly understand the company’s existing software costs and how they are allocated. From there, you can identify areas that can be reduced to optimize efficiency.
  2. Evaluate software options: Analyze different alternatives to the ones you are currently using, looking for profitability, but with the same functions or even additional ones that will allow you to obtain greater efficiency.
  3. Reuse existing licenses: Make sure that existing software licenses are being fully and effectively used, verifying terms and conditions, and validating that all available features are being used to their full potential.
  4. Negotiate prices and licenses with software vendors: You can obtain discounts and licenses that better fit your organization’s needs while addressing specific requirements and reducing costs.
  5. Implement good practices: Encourage work teams to correctly manage the use of software to minimize the risks of unauthorized use and losing licenses.
  6. Perform periodic reviews: Executing actions to optimize software licensing and adjusting it according to the needs allows for reducing expenses and maximizing efficiency.

In conclusion, optimizing software licenses is an ongoing process requiring proactive inventory management within companies. It is necessary to have the right tools to accurately calculate the consumption of permits within the complex models prevalent in today’s environment.

If you want to learn more about how we have succeeded in reducing costs and optimizing the use of software, schedule an appointment with our expert consultants here.

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