
Hybrid Environments are the Most Common Implementation – August 2022


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Now, you have finally made up your mind and a plan is in place to digitally transform your business. Right after you start implementing your plan, you realize that there are inherent restrictions associated with your legacy systems, know-how, internal processes, industry regulations, government policies/laws, and business strategies, among other, that prevent your business from fully embracing the cloud.

Welcome to the world of hybrid environments where public and private clouds coexist with on-premises systems.

You have to take into consideration that cloud micro-decisions/services do not necessarily apply seamless in a hybrid, compared to purely cloud-based implementations.
Hybrid platforms are inherently more complex than either a purely cloud platform or an entirely on-premises infrastructure. The adoption of cloud technologies has great benefits; however, these technologies also pose great risks to the evolution of an IT environment. If your company’s environment must be hybrid, the limitations and complexities of legacy/on-premise platforms remain in place while entirely new cloud paradigms are introduced to your ecosystem. A workplace modernization initiative could be seriously compromised if the hybrid scenario is not fully considered during planning. Ensure you exercise a thorough analysis of each stage of your plan and weigh each decision accurately for a hybrid setup.

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