How We Work at Echez Group

Echez Group’s employees are a key factor to our ability to adapt and consolidate our competitive advantage in the market and this is why we have a suitable and committed human capital.

At Echez Group we are convinced of the great value of each of our team members. We believe in their ability to find solutions, their responsibility, and their talent. The excellent attitude of our employees promotes an empathic working relationship and builds teams that work together and are motivated by a common goal.

We teach, help and integrate our new employees in every new role adaptation process. We are committed to the support and motivation of our human talent from their first day at work. We form teams that think positively and develop this ability in the personal and professional challenges they face. At Echez Group, we are culturally diverse, which allows us to communicate in different languages and understand local, regional, and global needs simultaneously. We share a diverse cultural DNA due to the plurality of people that make up the company.

At Echez Group, we work remotely to achieve a more significant regional reach and a better work-life balance. Our remote work modality allows us to enrich our corporate culture with various visions, perspectives, and languages.

Employee Journey.
A Transformative Experience.

Our Employee Journey is a strategic document that helps us understand and enhance the overall experience of our employees throughout their lifecycle within the company.

It provides a detailed insight from the employee’s perspective into crucial moments, interactions, and emotions experienced from the recruitment process onward in their journey within the organization.

This allows us to identify opportunities to optimize employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention, improving organizational culture and overall team performance.

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