We determine how to combine drones, software, flight missions...

Operations with drones and robots.

Process transformation with drones

This consulting service focuses on understanding the client’s current processes to introduce digital transformation concepts applied to drone and robotic operations.

This consulting service focuses on understanding the client’s current processes to introduce digital transformation concepts applied to drone and robotic operations.

During the process, we make recommendations on the right aircraft for the operation, a customizable software platform for fleet and mission management, provision of flight hours or pilot certification, knowledge transfer, and implementation; we also package the solution as a service through leasing alternatives.

We determine how to combine drones, software, flight missions, and on-site or remote pilots into a repeatable, effective, and efficient service that reduces costs and time and optimizes procedures.

It can all be combined through a leasing service as well.

Value Promise

Our consultancy allows operating a drone program within the framework of business processes, eliminating the risks of the operation through integration aligned with new technology.


Reduces the incidence

Reduces the incidence of complexity and risk in the industrial process, delivering cost and operational efficiency.

Centralized management

Allows centralized management of flight logs, with encrypted data in the cloud in real-time; Real-time video visualization (streaming).


Improved analytical capabilities and process control to increase accuracy, data quantity, and knowledge to make sound business decisions.

Reproduction on a satellite map

Allows the reproduction on a satellite map of the mission performed and the actions executed. These are scalable and environmentally sustainable.

Generates governance

Generates governance and control of multi-drone fleets and geo-referenced multi-zones.

Solution Components


Analysis and understanding of the current process and delivery of recommendations to integrate a drone program, introducing them into the industrial process. 


Consultancy to determine the necessary components for the process: type of drones, the software required to manage the fleet and missions, and the flights themselves.


Process with government entities to operate drones legally.


Support for the correct development and implementation of the transformed process with hardware (drones), software (mission platform), training and certification of pilots (or provision of flight hours), and implementation of real-time missions.


The subscription to the recommended Votix software system is delivered, with possible user interface and language customization and the design of the missions required for the initial implementation.

Precision Analytics:

Supplied according to the specific need and use or the possible development of interfaces with existing software, like Warehouse Management Systems.

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